
Minisymposium organizer(s) should provide the topic and a short overview of the minisymposium. If the proposal is accepted by Scientific Commitee, the organizer(s) should officially invite the speakers and request written abstracts for their presentations. A minisymposium is at least a two-hour session comprising of short presentations designed to bring a range of different perspectives and views to a topic. Each individual talk should fit to 20 min time window. Technical details of minisymposium (time windows, presentations guidelines, special requirements) should be accepted by Conference Organizing committee.

The organizer(s) will chair the minisymposium: introduce the theme of their minisymposium and the speakers, ensure that speakers keep to time, and facilitate discussion between speakers and the audience. The organizer(s) may also contribute talks and are responsible for review minisymposium’s submitted abstracts.

The Minisymposium Organizer should provide the following information:

  • Title: Describe the subject of minisymposium as accurately and specifically as possible in not more than ten words.
  • Contact details: Full names of organizers, affiliation, address, e-mail address and, if possible, mobile number.
  • Technical details of minisymposium: planned time windows (number of presentations), presentations guidelines, special requirements
  • Summary: Describe minisymposium topic in not more than 200 words. The summary should be written to attract those who specifically work on this topic as well as those who work in related areas.

Minisymposium participants registration will be available by conference portal. All abstracts should fit conference requirements.

Submission of minisymposium proposals: September 10, 2023
Send proposals to Conference Chair: Krzysztof Muszka (